Lutein Essence

Did you know that blue light is harmful to your eyes?

Lutein Essence

Fight Blue Light with BRAND'S® Lutein Essence

Lutein Essence

  • What is Lutein? 叶黄素是什么?
    Lutein is a type of carotenoid found mainly in leafy green vegetables, which is to protect against light-induced retina damage. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the macula by absorbing the damaging blue light. Macula is critical for sharp central vision, lutein plays an important part to supplement the health of our macula. The yellow pigment of Lutein is able to filter blue light and protects eyes from oxidative stress & damages. However, human body are unable to produce it naturally, hence they must be consumed. 叶黄素是存在于植物中的类胡萝卜色素,一般在绿叶的蔬菜中可以找得到,具有高度的抗氧化能力,人类的眼睛里有非常高浓度,也是视网膜上黄斑部的重要成份,对眼睛有过滤有害蓝光与紫外线、有助保护眼睛免受氧化伤害等生理作用,但人体无法自行合成叶黄素,只能从食物或营养补充品中摄取。
  • What is Zeaxanthin?玉米黄素是什么?
    Zeaxanthin is also a type of carotenoids found mainly in leafy green vegetables. It is able to filter blue light and protects eyes from oxidative stress & free radicals. 玉米黄素跟叶黄素一样,也是类萝卜色素的一种,同样对人体、视网膜及黄斑部有重要功能,一样可以过滤蓝光,避免自由基的伤害。
  • Who are the targeted consumer that is it suitable to consume BRAND‘S Lutein Essence? 什么样的情况 下适合饮用白兰氏叶黄素精华饮?
    Suitable for working adults and students who are obsessed with long-term use of smart phones/tablets and a lot of reading.适为长时间用眼、大量阅读、追剧或看东西感到模糊的上班族/学生。
  • What is the recommended consumption frequency of Brand’s Lutein Essence?白兰氏叶黄素精华饮适合用量大概是多少?
    BRAND’S Lutein Essence is a healthy nutritional supplement. It is specially designed with a bottle containing Lutein 10mg and Zeaxanthin 2mg. One bottle a day can supplement the daily nutrients required and help strengthen your eye care. 白兰氏叶黄素精华饮是健康营养补品,特别设计一瓶即含叶黄素10mg与玉米黄素2mg,每天一瓶,即可补充每日所需营养素和能帮助强化视力保健。
  • BRAND’S Blackcurrant & Lutein Essence Drink suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women? . 白兰氏叶黄素精华饮是否适合怀孕或在哺乳中的妇女饮用?
    BRAND’S Blackcurrant & Lutein Essence contains Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin E and Blackcurrant. It is recommended that pregnant and lactating women to consult a professional before drinking. 白兰氏叶黄素精华饮含有叶黄素、玉米黄素,维他命E与黑醋栗,由于怀孕及哺乳妇女体质比较特殊,饮用前建议询问医生后依指示饮用。
  • Can kids consume BRAND’S Lutein Essence? What is the recommended age?白兰氏叶黄素精华适合小孩饮用吗?几岁的小孩可以饮用?
    The Flora Glo Lutein that we use in our formulation is even-used in infant product. As for the rest of the ingredients, they are just natural like the Blackcurrant juice concentrate, is just normal fruit juice concentrate. BRAND’S Lutien Essence is suitable for children ages 4 and up. The recommended dosage is half of adult’s dose i.e. half bottle a day. Any additional will not be harmful, but there is no need for that.我们的配方中使用的叶黄素也用于婴儿产品中。至于其他原料都是天然的,例如黑加仑浓缩汁是普通浓缩果汁。 白兰氏叶黄素精华适合四岁以上使用。建议服用量是成人的一半,如一天半瓶。任何额外的用量都不会有害,但不需要额外服用。
  • What is “Blue Light”? 「蓝光」是什么?
    Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum that reaches deeper into the eyes. It has the potential to overwork the retina (the light-sensitive neural tissue in the back of the eye), produce excessive unstable oxygen (i.e., free radicals), and ultimately damage the retina. 蓝光为可见光,是太阳光谱中人类视觉所能接受的光线,几乎所有光源,无论天然或人工,都会释放出蓝光。但蓝光会对视网膜上的感光细胞形成严重损害,过度暴露于蓝光会使眼睛有损伤风险,可能后果包括视力、功能及性能不佳,乃至较为严重的眼睛疾病,例如老年性黄斑部病变,因此,人们应该减少蓝光的过度暴露,以减轻眼睛健康的后续负面影响。
  • What are the effects and benefits of Lutein & Zeaxanthin? 叶黄素与玉米黄素的功效是什么? 对健康有什么好处?
    Lutein & Zeaxanthin are able to effectively filter blue. Besides that, Lutein and zeaxanthin appear to have high antioxidant which protects eyes against oxidative damage & free radicals. 叶黄素与玉米黄素皆可有效吸收过滤掉会伤害眼睛的蓝光,同时也有具抗氧化效果,进而保护视网膜不会受到氧化伤害,保护视力健康。
  • What is the recommended storing period for BRAND’S Lutein Essence?白兰氏叶黄素精华饮能够保存多久?
    BRAND’S Blackcurrant & Lutein Essence can be stored for about 2 years at room temperature. In order to keep the product in the best condition, it is recommended to store it in a cool and dry place, avoiding exposure to high temperatures (over 35 ° C) or extreme low temperatures (below 0 ° C).白兰氏叶黄素精华饮在一般室温下能够存放2年左右。为让产品保持最佳的状况,建议存放在阴凉干燥的位置,避免放置在阳光照射,潮湿高温(超过35°C)或是极度低温( 0°C以下)的地方。
  • I found that there are sediment in the bottle. Can I drink it? / There are residue in the bottle when I finished. Is this normal? 我买回产品发现瓶内有沉淀物,我能否饮用?/喝到最后瓶内会有沉淀物,这样是正常的吗?
    This product contains precious raw materials essence. It is normal to have sediment, please do not worry. If you don't shake it well before drinking, it is easy to see the residue. It is recommended to shake well and consume. 本产品含珍贵原料精华,若有沉淀为自然现象,请不用担心,若饮用前没有充分摇匀,就容易看到沉淀物产生,此为自然现象,建议您饮用前先将瓶身充分摇匀再作饮用。
  • Why we must consume immediately after opening the lid? 白兰氏叶黄素精华饮为什么必须在开盖后立即饮用完毕?
    BRAND’S Blackcurrant & Lutein Essence do not contains any preservatives. We use vacuum packaging and high temperature sterilization to ensure the freshness of the product. Once opened, BRAND’S Blackcurrant & Lutein Essence in the bottle are highly susceptible to contamination. In order to maintain the best drinking quality, please shake well and consume immediately once opened. 黑加仑和叶黄素精华饮不含任何防腐剂。我们采用真空包装及高温杀菌的方式以确保其新鲜品质。若一经开瓶,瓶内的精华饮在与外界空气接触后极易受到污染。因此在您开瓶盖后,建议立即饮用完毕。为保有最佳饮用品质,请摇匀后开瓶直接饮用
  • . Are there any side effects for long-term consumption?长期饮用是否会有任何副作用?
    BRAND’S Lutein Essence is a health supplement and it is not a drug. It contains Lutein 10mg and Zeaxanthin 2mg formula that has been confirmed by clinical experiments. It will not produce any side effects. It is recommended to drink one bottle a day, depending on your needs and preferences. You can drink it regularly to absorb harmful blue light and strengthen your eyes.白兰氏叶黄素精华饮是健康保健精华饮,不是药品或药物,叶黄素10毫克与玉米黄素2毫克的配方也经临床实验证实,不会产生任何的副作用,建议您可以每日饮用一瓶,视个人需要及喜好而定。您可以经常饮用,能帮助补充叶黄素与玉米黄素以吸收过滤有害蓝光,强化视力保健。
  • Where does the marigold flower in BRAND’S Lutein Essence come from?白兰氏叶黄素精华里的金簪花源自于哪个国家?
    The marigold flower is from Asia.金簪花源自于亚洲。

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Lutein Essence